How many of you wanted to be an Astronaut when you grew up? Did you pretend you had a rocket ship made out of a cardboard box? Or, jump up and down on the bed and for a split second feel like you where defying gravity? Well....I didn't! However, if I would have known how delicious some "astronaut food" was, I might have been more inclined as a child to dream of adventures in space!
What is "astronaut food"?
Astronaut food or Space food are food products, specially created and processed for consumption by astronauts in outer space. The food has specific requirements of providing balanced nutrition for individuals working in space, while being easy and safe to store, prepare and consume in the machinery-filled low gravity environments of manned spacecraft. In recent years, space food has been used by various nations engaging on space programs as a way to share and show off their cultural identity and facilitate intercultural communication.~thanks Wiki :)
Needless to say, when my house guest came home last night and asked if I wanted to try Astronaut Neapolitan ice cream, I was totally game! He handed me a rectangle package, and after inspecting the ingredients, reading the funny description on the package, and admiring the overly cheesy space man on the front, I was ready to commence the....
5 Senses Test!

Sight- The ice cream itself is freeze dried, so straight out the package it looks like a big block of colorful chalk.
Hearing- not much to hear , other than the sound of the package when I ripped it open
Smell-not much of a smell , maybe a hint of dried strawberry
Touch-it was a safe bet that because it looked like chalk, it would feel like chalk. It was hard to touch, and broke off a bit in my hands. It also left a chalky residue on my fingers, and crumbled over my nice wood floors
Taste- (the fun part!) it tasted like........warm ice cream! The flavor was very much like Neapolitan ice cream! the texture was weird at first, but as you sucked on it, it slowly started to dissolve in my mouth and I tasted the "creaminess" of this unique treat. When it was all said and done, it reminded of me of a strawberries and cream, creme saver candy.
I give this treat a
with an
Rated A = Will try Again